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  • Using passwords like a pro

    Gabriel Maličký / 31.05.2024

    In today's digital world, our online accounts hold a treasure trove of personal information: emails, financial data, social media profiles and more. Protecting this data is crucial, and with the ever-growing threat of cyber attacks, the first line of defense is a strong password. The question stands: How to manage these keys to our digital presence in an effective and secure way, without getting lost?

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  • Since the release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence became the hottest topic of 2023 not only amongst technically skilled people, but also the whole public became almost obsessed with possibilities AI offers. It is almost certain that this demand for AI and investments in this area will continue in forthcoming years on a major level.

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  • Introduction to Cypress

    Marek Grušpier / 15.11.2023

    Testing is a crucial part of web development. It ensures that your application is functioning as expected and helps catch bugs before they make it to production. However, testing can often be a tedious and time-consuming process. This is where Cypress comes in. Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework that aims to make testing your web applications easier, faster, and more reliable.

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